USEIT is a CHIST-ERA project on security and privacy for the Internet of things.
To be trustworthy, any system needs to protect the data it transmits and processes. Realizing
such protection is particularly challenging for Internet of Things because of the devices’
limitations in terms of resources, user interfaces, connectivity, and bandwidth on the one
hand, and because of the open and dynamic nature of their network on the other hand.
Unfortunately, applying existing security technologies often results in compromises that harm
important requirements to human users such as privacy and manageability of their data.
This project develops and implements new cryptographic algorithms, policy languages, and
security tools that enable the strongest privacy and security protection and control to users of
IoT devices. The project will test the developed mechanisms, prove their security, and aims
to provide open-source implementations of them. To test and validate the mechanisms, the
project will consider three important use cases, one related to vehicular networks and two
related to the management and protection of data shared between IoT devices in dynamic
The technical work is organized into three work packages:
- Use Cases – Analysis and Requirements
- Cryptographic protocols
- Architecture, Platform & Policies
More up-to-date information can be found on our twitter feed, find us there
as USEIT_Project
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